Selected Shorts: Food Is Love

From Thanksgiving to New Year’s, there is a whole lot of eating going on. But people are also hungering for something else: love. This week on Selected Shorts we’ve got two stories that use food as a tool for finding romance. Christina Pickles reads “But the One on the Right,” by Dorothy Parker, where a witty heroine discovers dinner  parties are like life–it’s all about who you get seated next to.  Heather Goldenhersh reads Lara Vapnyar’s “A Bunch of Broccoli on the Third Shelf,” about a young Russian émigré who cures her heartache by learning to cook. Both these tales should leave you feeling full and satisfied, whether you listen on our free podcast or tune into your local public radio station. Isaiah and I joked that we should include recipes with this episode. So here goes: for all of you who feel the same tearing I do when faced with a  pile of apples and can’t decide between a crumble or a pie: a few years ago, while reading The Boston Globe, I found the answer to this terrible dilemma:  AN APPLE CRUMBLE PIE. Now, I make it every Christmas. Enjoy!