Selected Shorts: Homecoming

As everyone heads home for Thanksgiving, Selected Shorts is packing two great stories for you to listen to on your trip, either as a free podcast or on your local public radio station. The first is David Schickler’s “Jamaica,” performed by our very own Isaiah Sheffer, and features a domestic situation gone horribly and hilariously wrong, when a husband gets his head stuck in the bannisters overlooking the family living room. The second is Ron Carlson’s whimsical “On the U.S.S. Fortitude,” performed by Laura Esterman, which imagines home as an aircraft carrier, with the mother gamely flagging her children in for a landing. Hope everyone has a great time off with their families this week. And if you’re going to be in New York next February, be sure to get tickets for a very special stage performance of Selected Shorts to celebrate One Story’s 10th anniversary on February 22, 2012.