Off Grid

cabinHello, visitors. I’m heading off grid for the next month or so. No phone, no internet, but hopefully lots of writing. Please feel free to keep sending emails or any questions you might have about The Good Thief. I won’t be able to answer for a while, but I promise to respond when I return.


  1. Hello Hannah,
    The good Thief is the first book I Read in english (I’m french). It’s a little bit hard for me but it’s also enough interesting that no matter if I never leave my dictionnary, i’ll Know the end of the story.

    Congratulations, I hope there will be lots of books after.

    1. Dear Thierry,

      So glad you’re enjoying the book! And if you ever want to check the language, there is a wonderful translation in French by Mona de Pracontal, published by Gallimard. You can find it here.


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