Goodbye, Woody Creek

For the past few weeks I’ve been the writer in residence at the Aspen Writer’s Foundation. I’m so grateful to the crack-team who brought me out and took care of me while I was there, the board for their support of the program, the community of Woody Creek who was so warm and welcoming, and Isa Catto Shaw & Daniel Shaw, my gracious and lovely hosts, who made it all possible. You can find out more about the program and what I did there from Andrew Travers at The Aspen Times and Aspen Public Radio, where I was on Mitzi Rapkin’s show, First Drafts. Special thanks to the Woody Creek Community Center for hosting my goodbye bash. I’ll miss you all. Especially the bears.

Writing under the Big Blue Whale

Once more I’ll be teaching a creative writing class at the American Museum of Natural History, Tuesdays 6:00-8:30 pm, Feb. 25-March 25th. Come and explore the natural world and your own imagination as we wander the museum and its incredible exhibits after dark, pen and paper in hand. It’s like Night at the Museum, but with writers. This class quickly sold out last year, so I’d suggest signing up right away.